Vocal Troupe is for high-energy, collaborative young performers dedicated to growing their musical theatre skills! Students will learn basic vocal techniques, matching pitch, vocal projection, choreography, and build the confidence needed to perform in front of an audience! Students will put their skills, talent, and energy into an exciting number for our Fall Showcase on December 7th!

Class Attire: Students will be movin’ & groovin’! Please send your child in comfortable attire they can easily move around in. No jeans or flip-flops/sandals.

Schedule: Aug 19th-Dec 7th | Mondays 5:00-5:45PM

Tuition: $52.50/month

Costume Fee: $20 (Due Oct 1st 2024)

Performance Fee: $25 (Due Nov 1st 2024)

Showcase: December 7th @ 3PM